ABOUT ME MY NAME IS:  JOSE HERNANDEZ; I am 34 years old, I have a daughter.  I worked very hard since very young to study.  Oh well this. I am going to tell you a bit about my back grounds. I had guide al most in all entire costa rica ,  I am a driver &  licensed guide too, by the Costa Rican institute, since 2001 when he start at the Caribbean lowlands, and then I came from there and I went to the central pacific side and I worked for nature farms at Manuel Antonio beach for Manuel Antonio expeditions, Avenatura, Aguila and other companies not at the illegal guides at the  park.  And also the south pacific area Corcovado for casa Corcovado lodge, and I worked for arenal observatory lodge 3 years , and over 10 years as free-lance guide for you, ready for you to hire me.  I got the chance to join the Smithsonian institute at w. state. Moreover I worked for 3 years the arenal volcano national park entrance now, I do with reservations, besides cannot be guide s at the park entrances Illegal, so we use binoculars and scopes.

Also he studied technician on agro- ecology, plus 2 years on technical education for technical professors U.T.N.  (National Technician University). , also 4 years on law  at the U.C.A, and major on environmentalist UCS. , plus 1 year at the University Magister on English teaching , also 1 year on social studies at the UISIL.  from there I got also, training from the INBIO on botany I took a semester on it also by himself, besides of this I do surviving at the jungle, Titimbina, migratory birds, he joins the bird count, Constantly training on the career but I rather enjoy with the people and share my knowledge and enthusiastic time with everyone than   being at the office, he is a certified broker by the real estate national chamber at costa Rica. Also he in 2009 I created the local guides association, he did nature plans for green leaves at a few wild life refuges such as. Jungle Linda the new Eden, la Fortuna coffee tour, the Indian tour and others. (Also I am the vortex optics dealer, I provide assistance for the binocular or scope cleaning, and binocular rent, but we have for the tours for you. See our page at face vortex la Fortuna).  Furthermore, that’s why I lead my own tours with the full insurances and permission in costa Rica, also, if I need more guides I get them direct (in the south or Manuel Antonio area or Monteverde I have more than 15 guides available and certified as me also I am the one in charge or reservations . ).  Not through companies besides the tour agencies lost staff all the time, the most important, for a company, I invite you to Share my experiences with your private guide through the whole Costa Rica and Nicaragua too.  . I hope your vacations on our tours and houses ill be wonderful.

Soy; Josè hernandez montero de 34 años casi 35. Guía certificado, por el instituto  costarricense de turismo de costa rica ict.
Además pertenezco a la asociación costarricense de turismo de costa rica.
Me gradué del colegio en 1998, saque técnico en agro ecología, y técnico en idioma y guía de turismo en Sarapiquí en el caribe 2001, en el 2002 ice pasantía en Manuel Antonio en la reserva fincas naturales del  hotel y me regrese a san Carlos observatorio hotel volcán arenal. Y de ahí labore 2 años en el 2004 me traslade a fortuna labore para muchas empresas de tour y regrese al pacifico central Manuel Antonio donde labore por servicios allá para mucha empresas e independiente y además labore en la península de osa ósea corcovado la zona de más biota de costa rica. Y excursiones a Nicaragua, en el 2008 trabaje como profesor de lengua extranjera y social, llevaba un profesorado y poseo una licenciatura en área social y además, pedagogía va de la mano de la enseñanza.
En el 2009 funde la asociación de guías de arenal  para capacitación a guías, fui presidente y ahora capacitador mismo. 
he realizado proyectos agro ecológicos y turísticos.  Como los puede ver en el sitio web de la asociación de guías de la fortuna o del volcán arenal. Al igual que las excursiones de la fortuna y del volcán arenal y traslados y casa de alquiler y demás en la fortuna soy guía chofer tenemos transporte y muchos lugares para enseñarte te invito a ver este sitio y rentarme, mi precio es desde 20 dols a 25 por pareja y de 50 usd por el día 2 excursiones. Nota. Realizo desde caminatas hasta excursiones de agua como safari y canoa y barca ósea lancha, además observación de aves y otras como rio celeste. , muchas gracias  aquí te dejo con mi sitio web


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